As a responsible Shih Tzu breeder, I offer all of my puppy owners lifetime breeder support. There’s always room for improvement in my breeding program. I want my puppy owners to feel comfortable coming to me if they ever have any concerns in regards to their Shih Tzu puppy.
I am always open to constructive criticism as well. I want nothing more than to improve my Shih Tzu breeding program in every way possible. How can I claim to run a responsible breeding program if I am not willing to listen to what my Shih Tzu puppy owners have to say?
It’s my job as a reputable Shih Tzu breeder to try my best to help my puppy owners find resolutions to their puppy problems when possible. If you own one of my Shih Tzu puppies or plan on owning a Shih Tzu puppy from my program in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions and concerns.
I truly want to help my puppy owners in any way I can. I offer lifetime breeder support to all of my puppy clients. I consider my puppy owners part of my extended family. After all, their new puppy will always own a piece of my heart and legacy!